House with a warehouse extension of Goldreich Brothers (Bratři Goldreichové) -
Benešova 1251/23, Jihlava -
1922 -
103FH -
Apartment Block, Industrial Object -
Monument preservation
Territorial protection of the Jihlava urban conservation reserve
Because of their Jewish origin, the merchants were forced to close the knitwear shop in 1939 and sell it to Beata Pöpperlová, a German. Erwin Goldreich, who survived imprisonment in the Terezín concentration camp, asked for his house back after the war, but his request was not granted. Soon after that, he moved to Prague with his wife, Luisa. The house was then used by the Secondary Technical School of Mechanical Engineering (Vyšší průmyslová škola strojnická) in Jihlava and carpentry and blacksmith workshops were established there. From 1970, the former warehouse building housed the Secondary School of Economics (Střední škola ekonomická). Today, the whole building is used for commercial purposes and the former warehouse now houses the Na Hradbách restaurant.
Adressbuch der Stadt Iglau, 1921.
Adresář města Jihlavy, Jihlavské listy. 1926, s. 17, 103.
Jiří Kroupa, 68. Architektura, in: Ivana Ebelová – Renata Pisková – Milena Bartlová et al., Jihlava, Praha 2009, s. 610.
Petr Dvořák – Jana Laubová, Funkce a styl, katalog výstavy, Jihlava 2019, nestr.
Ostatní zdroje:
Státní okresní archiv Jihlava – Stavební archiv, čp. 1251.
Jana Laubová, Architektura Jihlavy 1900–2009, nepublikovaná diplomní práce Katedry dějin umění Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc 2009, s. 30, dostupné z: https://theses.cz, vyhledáno 19. 4. 2022.