Austro-Hungarian Bank -
Palackého 1606/46, Jihlava -
1913–1914 -
45F -
Administrative Building -
Monument preservation
Territorial protection of the Jihlava urban conservation reserve
It is a three-storey building with a cellar, a segmentally rounded corner and a high mansard roof, with the main entrance to Palackého Street, which also originally served as the entrance to the courtyard. The ground floor served as the bank's facilities, including a flat for the "assistant", the first floor was used for the needs of the banking institute and the second floor, with a terrace facing the courtyard, was reserved as a flat for the branch director in the original plan. The concept of the ornamental façade with a bossage on the raised parterre, fluted giant order pilasters and fine ornamentation in the window axes has been preserved to this day. In the frontage, the dominant tympanum above the crown cornice represents two boys with a basket of fruit and snails in a deep relief as symbols of abundance and protection of property. It is an example of the modern classical Baroque style, popular mainly in the German environment and characterised by an attempt to distance itself from late historicism with modern forms. The back courtyard was surrounded by an enclosure wall with a circular brick gazebo. In the 1990s, the building underwent structural changes, mainly by building an extension in the courtyard with offices and a lift, ground-floor garages and modifications to the interiors according to the design drawn up by Fortis, s.r.o. under the direction of the Jihlava architect Jaroslav Huňáček.
Pavel Zatloukal, Počátky moderní architektury na Moravě a ve Slezsku (kat.výst.), Krajské vlastivědné muzeum Olomouc 1981, s. 39.
Zdeněk Jaroš – Karel Křesadlo, Jihlava, kulturně historický průvodce městem, Jihlava 1996, s. 112.
Jiří Kroupa, Architektura, in: Ivana Ebelová – Renata Pisková – Milena Bartlová et al., Jihlava, Praha 2009, s. 463, 609.
Ladislav Vilímek, I domy umírají vstoje II, Jihlava 2016, s. 128.
Petr Dvořák – Jana Laubová, Funkce a styl, katalog výstavy, Jihlava 2019, nestr.
Státní okresní archiv Jihlava - Stavební archiv, čp. 1606.
Miroslava Baštová, Jihlava – Stavebně historický průzkum zástavby 19. a zač. 20. století oblastí severozápadně hist. jádra města, nepublikovaný strojopis Státního úřadu pro rekonstrukci památkových objektů, Praha 1982, nestr.
Jana Laubová, Architektura Jihlavy 1900–2009, nepublikovaná diplomní práce Katedry dějin umění Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc 2009, s. 23.